A recent email went out from Frank Burney to the core group living at
Home Farm with this simple statement and link:
article with thoughtful comments.
It IS a good article and I applaud Frank for appearing open
to discussion. He included this writer also, but so far Frank has never
responded to any of my private emails to him when I ask him to discuss an issue
with me. Therefore I suspect Frank is mostly soapboxing trying to curry favor
with the Overlords at Home Farm, where he hopes to live out his days.
We all know the issue of whether “psychedelics” have any
useful place in personal development and “spirituality” is an issue that
divides some students. The author of this article was evicted and then later banned from the
SNO property for suggesting we allow open discussion on this topic. The Board
maintains the pretense that this is “criminal” and might threaten their
non-profit status. They refuse to even discuss it.
If Frank were truly trolling the internet synthesizing the
vast spectrum of data and opinion (which is also a form of valid data) on
psychedelics, so that he could offer an informed overview to the Home Farm
crowd, I would expect he would also relate the many expert opinions of
credentialed researchers who find great value in these “drugs.”
(I put the word “drugs” in quotes because this author was
evicted, according to the official letter from the SNO Board “solely because he
advocated the use of “illegal drugs.” I find it ironical that a so-called “school”
whose main intellectual discipline is the study of General Semantics, chose a
phrase “illegal drugs” that is purposely vague. It suggests to those who might
not know me that I advocate heroin, cocaine, PCP, etc., trying to tar me with
implied negative associations; whereas I emphatically “advocate” research into
mind expanding “drugs” that fall into the class we call psychedelic; plus
empathogens or entactogens such as MDMA which were found so helpful by the
psychiatric community before being banned and scheduled willy-nilly by the DEA.
And I also enthusiastically will share my own personal research which does add
more gravitas than cut-and-pasting from the net.)
Frankly, I find it uncompassionate to NOT share information that would help someone's suffering, whatever my PC neighbors might think. MDMA pilot studies indicate that, "74% of patients with PTSD who were unresponsive to other treatments sustained symptom resolution for an average of 3.5 years." Likewise the DVD Can Cannabis Cure Cancer showed successful studies that it does and can, I have seen it first hand. Susan was so aghast at finding the DVD in her mailbox she pushed it out onto the counter, probably like it was a live grenade. So when you or a friend gets cancer, before you rush off to get poisoned with chemo or burned with radiation, do some research!)
But back to Frank. So he culled the internet until he found
someone who would seem authoritative (having been a user) but who now performs
an autopsy on the mindset of those who like to use psychedelics. And in the end
he concludes that the world revealed by psychedelics is just another “music” we
can choose from. It’s all relative. This reminds me of the sagacity of Brian
Morrison who opined “opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.”
Since Frank is only preaching to the choir, those who ban
even talk on psychedelics, I conclude his purpose was dismissive. But if on the
other hand it’s all relative styles of “music” then why isn’t Frank moving for
a lift of the ban on my “heresy?” In fact the SNO Board was recently presented
a motion by a voting Board member to reconsider my case, showing that these
discussions are being carried out by legitimate institutions, conferences being
held, and this proves no threat to the non-profit institutions, which
contradicts the paranoid position taken by SNO Board.
Be that as it may, while the rest of us have moved into the
21st century, SNO remains mired around 1968 in race psyche reactivity to psychedelics. Susan Wetmore was busted years ago for growing marijuana and put on probation; Pat Murray is a convicted drug felon. Still, in a "school" that preaches getting over your negative reactions, you'd hope they wouldn't keep acting out their personal dramas? Some years ago Marj said with relief that they'd finally gotten rid of the "dopers" at Home Farm! What irony, everyone on the inside knows Doper Dan, Susan's boyfriend; and Pat tried to score some skunk not too long ago from his Colorado connection, but didn't want Jane to know. Meanwhile there actually is one person there legally entitled to use cannabis for pain relief; but Susan rained down a torrent of abuse upon her and threatened to call the Sheriff. Hypocrisy mixed with no compassion. Susan is a real piece of work. Only second to Jane. The Toxic Twins.
But I digress. I was asked to comment on this article in Reality Sandwich.
So here goes.
Stan Grof, MD and psychiatrist, probably the researcher with
the most experience in use of psychedelics in therapeutic practice (thousands
of cases) characterizes them as “non-specific amplifiers.” That is, they
deactivate the filtering programs in the nervous system that narrow our
perceptions into what is called “problem-solving” mode. Normal daytime waking
consciousness. (For more info see the David Nichols talk
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJtdZUy1LYE) . Psychedelics move one into what we might call a waking dream state.
The core of Vitvan’s work is what we at ISNO call Level II,
the First Crossing (undertaken after one has absorbed Level I, the mental model
level, the roadmap, the outline). He describes this succinctly (novel for him;
it has to be said that his excessive verbiage is the main roadblock to
understanding him, which is a shame since he is so deep), and I paraphrase, “bringing
the entire content of the subconscious up into conscious awareness.” He follows
this by saying that very few can do it because their egos will resist so
vehemently facing the “jackasses and peacocks” (such gentle language for the
monsters one may encounter) in their subconscious or psyche. (Let’s also point
out that we can find “angels” and wonders to delight, so for the adventurous
who are called, it’s worth taking the Journey.)
This is the problem in a nutshell. The ego will not
willingly give up its stratagems for making self right and others wrong. It has
to be forcibly unhorsed for a period of time, pushed out of the way with its
normal ongoing rationalizing and excuse making, in order for something deeper
in us to be exposed, which we call the Witness state. An observer who can be
likened to a “hypervisor” who looks at the code of the personality without
giving value or identifying, or at least, only provisionally, while it is
astounded by all the schemings and undisclosed motivations.
Once again, Vitvan says this is the essence: to find out
what motivates us. Until we do, we are personality robots running on instinct
and conditioning.
There are classic methods of bringing about this “unhorsing.”
They boil down to short-circuiting the labeling, mentalizing process, or what
is called “stopping the mind.” Again, this leads to “conscious abstracting,”
another way Vitvan described the goal of Level II, using the language he
learned from Korzybski. An excellent study is Michael Winkelman’s
Shamanism: The Neural Ecology of
Consciousness and Healing. These methods found in cultures
around the world are:
Methods gradual to tire and bore the mental monkey mind
process until it nods off:
- Chanting (falls under #3
- Visual driving
(contemplation of images like staring at flickering candles, or staring
into mandalas and imagery until active imagination is turned on)
- Audio driving (repetitive
drumming, usually at harmonics of 4-8 cycles per second to entrain the
hemispheres into alpha, theta, or delta states)
- Body movements triggering
older pre-verbal deep brain circuitry (hatha yoga, breath work, Sufi
dancing, walking on all fours, tree climbing)
More radical methods:
- Fasting so body goes into
emergency survival mode, deep circuits come online
- Danger: initiation thru
pain, or Vision Quest in the wilderness, where fear of death pushes
consciousness into peak awareness
- Use of psychoactive plants
and substantives that shift us out of problem-solving beta state mode,
into active imagination, a waking dream.
Then there are natural born ones with a "shamanic" nervous system. They can enter altered states much more easily, guys like Vitvan. It takes them a long time to figure out why others can't do it too. Techniques that work for them just won't cause others to "tip over" or "kindle" into this heightened perception.
(Can you believe that SNO repeatedly was afraid to let me give a lecture on this subject which I would have entitled "Your shamanic nervous system?" Pretty scary huh? Vitvan is either rolling over in his grave or "up there" rolling over laughing and holding his sides...!)
No matter how one gets there, what happens is that the veil
or censorship normally thrown up by the ego is removed or radically reduced.
This makes accessible the contents of the unconscious. One can see the machinery
below the surface. How odd to know (gnosis) that there is “someone” or some Observer who is
still there.
Of all the available methods, the use of psychoactives is the most
reliable, and that is why when they are available most all cultures will use
them. However this only works when society allows for such initiatory
experiences, as in the ancient Mysteries. When the State becomes all powerful
as it is today, controlling the minds of the worker bees in the hive is all
important, because as CIA and military studies showed (alas for their attempts
to weaponize psychedelics) people begin to question authority as they see
through the conditioning laid on them. The constant triggering to make us
consume, or fear, doesn’t work any longer.
And this is the state we are in today, the underlying reason
these substances are banned and shunned. Religions with their gate-keeper
priests will lose control. Even little religions like the Cult of Vitvan at SNO
(who really don’t get Vitvan at all) survive because they have somehow conned
students into accepting that these “leaders” represent the Founder’s teaching. Alas Vitvan did not foresee that a small cabal would keep on re-electing themselves for decades. Otherwise the Bylaws would have been written to put term limits on, or made allowance for more people to vote as members.[Do any of you who think you are a "member" know that you are NOT, unless you are on the Board? True, according to the self-serving definition they have adopted!]
The other methods ONLY work when you do them long and hard
enough, until the monkey mind really shuts down. I don’t mean gets lulled into
a vaguely hypnogogic state fluttering on the edge of alpha. When it happens you
KNOW it. Perception broadens, mind is quiet and still, colors are bright, detail is
intense. You are in the NOW. You are in an ALTERED state. You are HIGH.
You have to get out of waking problem-solving state, you
have to ALTER it, to begin to get what this is about. Sitting here reading this
in normal beta waking state will not bear fruit. “Which of you
by taking thought can add one cubit unto his
stature?” "Let that Mind be in you which was in Jesus
Christ our Lord." That’s Mind with a capital “M,” that which is there all the
time and to be revealed when little “m” mind shuts down.
Now back to Reality Sandwich. The author is absolutely
right. He used psychedelics to probe his unconsciousness, which took him on
many colorful and penetrating trips inward. The word “hallucinate” means to “wander
in the mind,” and as Heraclitus posited, “you could not find the ends of the
soul (psyche) though you traveled every way, so deep is its logos.” And so, IF
the work of the First Crossing is to penetrate the depths of the psyche until
you have become conscious of what motivates you, then “hallucination” in its
correct understanding is the job awaiting you!
When you start approaching the finish line of Level II, then
you enter Vitvan’s Level III, which we’ll come to shortly.
But let’s make it VERY CLEAR. Until you have done this work,
do not be so dismissive because you MENTALLY have some vague inkling that all
states are relative “music.” This notion allows you to enjoy your ego-state by
dismissing anything that would threaten the stability of your imagined “spirituality,”
your sweetness and light “decency,” “niceness,” “courtesy,” your lame ass babble
about “non-violent communication.” Brian’s statement about assholes is as
little authoritative as someone sitting in an easy chair watching videos about
jungle exploring, thinking that they actually know from EXPERIENCE anything
about jungle exploring. People who haven’t taken the Journey into the depths of
the soul-psyche can wave their beads, candles, and prayer flags all they want:
They don’t know what they are jawboning about.
Hence we have Frank, Marj, Bill, Pat, Jane, Susan, Lynne,
who sit on the sideline like Judges, having barely put their toe into the White
Waters of the Tao. Oh, they will squawk, HOW can you judge us so? Then they calmly
PC talk about “giving value” but that only means don’t look at their actions with
a critical eye. They do their 9 AUMs, they “meditate” for 30 minutes of sleep,
they nod off weekly to a tape in what they call a “class,” but afterwards discussion
rapidly turns to sports scores and Valley gossip. They say that “Life is their
teacher” but UNLESS Life really hammers you, or you intentionally expose
yourself to some ego-stopping practice that has real guts, you are just fluttering
around in your private dream.
Yes, we are all to some extent puttering around in our
private dream, but when it keeps getting pushed to the surface of
consciousness, something new CAN come in, or down, or online.
This brings us to what Vitvan calls “basic state.” Shamans will say that the "medicine" calls to some, and reveals its teaching. Others take it and only see a circus. One can
only expand to the next level that naturally follows their current one. Hence talk about
patience, not pushing the natural order. Marj misunderstands (
or purposely
pretends to) when she says Vitvan says, “there are no shortcuts” but if you go to
www.vitvan-archive.com and
search Vitvan for “shortcut,” you will find he too believed there were ways.
Trouble is, he was not forthcoming. Or he was merely hopeful but didn’t really
know. We can say however that while he didn’t understand that psychoactives had
been used in the Mysteries he would praise, and while he was a natural born
shaman and could drop into deep states without them, he also DID NOT forbid
experimenting with them. That would have violated his basic Principles he laid
down so many times.
Let’s go onto other comments by our Reality Sandwich author.
He says he is an astrologer. Well then, so am I. I studied
it 40 years ago, lived with a professional astrologer who had graduated
thru the common entry level of tropical, done sidereal, heliocentric, used
trans-Uranian, Cosmobiology, and eventually returned to the Mother fountain of
Vedic astrology. I have some conversancy with all these. Then I studied it as
applied to alchemy, and read Jung’s take. Finally we find researchers like Stan
Grof who discovered that, odd as it seemed to one who started out in mainstream
materialism, that planetary aspects could dictate the themes of a person’s
psychedelic trip.
Our Reality Sandwich author characterizes psychedelics as “Neptunian,” but
this is narrow and amateurish. Yes, many people DO long to find something
greater than this world of the “normals,” they ache for something missing.
Vitvan says that many in his school are devas, and they come in remembering
something of other worlds and levels, they just know intuitively that there is
much more to Reality than the standard model. But it is also true that many a
materialist who felt no such longing was surprised by the vaster world
psychedelics opened to them. So we can’t dismiss their use as stemming ONLY from
some urge to “run away” from every day reality.
Other archetypes equally well apply. When used for the First
Crossing, then we find Saturn the Teacher, the bringer of hard truths to be
looked at. Also the Judge who shows us our hidden motivations; the Initiator
who opens new door. Or Uranus, break-through eruptions, strokes of creative
genius. (see the studies done on creativity using psychedelics e.g.,
and Google for many more such). Or utterly astounding as in DMT studies as
related by Dr. Rick Strassman, or McKenna’s description of entering the Elfish
world. Or see
Chronicles: Parmenides, Plato, and the Psychedelic to show you
that serious work into the realm of Plato’s Ideas is not just an abstraction
but a level of Reality to be experienced; and may well be how Plato got there,
talking roundaboutly of things outside of class that he learned in the
In fact, this Procrustean attempt to fit the “non-specific
amplification” of consciousness into the mold of Neptune makes me rather depict
this author as Neptunian himself. He ends up saying it’s all true but just an
imagined sense of heightened value. Then he asserts many psychedelic users have a Messianic
sense of mission. Well, so do proselytizing Christians, Jews who hold to being “chosen”
over others, Muslims on jihad, capitalists or socialists saving the world, ... boy,
you name it. Take for instance this comment on Korzybski himself:
“Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950), the founder of general
semantics, maintained that the structural assumptions implicit in language
are of necessity reflected in behavior. . . . Korzybski believed that if,
through general semantics, people generally could be trained in the
orientations of science in the handling of all their problems (instead of just some
of them), many social and personal problems now deemed to be insoluble would
prove to be soluble. There is a messianic flavor to Korzybski's writings--a
fact which led to the dismissal of his views in some academic circles."
(S.I. Hayakawa, The Use and Misuse of Language. Harper & Row, 1962)
So now, is Science and
Sanity just another asshole's opinion, another “music?” Well, then, why study
Vitvan? It’s all relative, right?
One of the great benefits of altering consciousness is that
it reminds Mr. Ego-dog that many versions of Reality are out there. It is
common for trippers to come to the understanding that everyone is “on a trip,”
devising their own version of reality thru the lens of the private world. I believe that one of the “major intentions”
Vitvan had in his day was to get it through people’s head’s that we are all
manufacturing “reality” and to stop assuming there is consensus.
Vitvan’s endless descriptions of how abstracting works did
not really alter people’s consciousness. “You cannot solve a problem from the
same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”
-- Albert Einstein. See, Vitvan didn’t have tools that really worked. (What heresy
I utter!) He himself was so frustrated
and said, "Well, maybe if I keep describing
it, it will sink in." But it doesn’t.
These Old Cycle Aristotelians who sit on the SNO Board just
don’t get it that the Hierarchy got tired of sending in messengers whose
descriptions didn’t get the job done, and the New Cycle Hierarchy that came in
in the 1960’s said, "Shit, let’s go back to the psychedelic methodologies of using
Soma medicines like we did in the grand old days of the Vedas, when many people
were Seers. So there will be some casualties. There is far more collateral damage
to souls living out lives of quiet desperation in our brain-deadening
materialistic culture. Can’t make any omelet without breaking some eggs..."
The first wave of the New Cycle was the Visionary medicines;
the second wave was the Heart-opening MDMA. The third is happening now,
full spectrum Soma, entrainment through the 8hz cycle unification with the
Plenum, the Rock of Ages.
I said I would touch on what we at ISNO call Level III of
Vitvan’s three-fold goals for SNO. Level III is what begins to come in as one
is making good progress in their First Crossing: the Truth of Teleology.
What this means to me, from what my own Self shows me, is
that we are at Root, the Alpha and Omega who creates our own Reality. That “The
I AM, which is my true Self” is who we are in non-locality, that “we” have
agreed to and scripted out this life we are currently living. The World is a
stage and we are all actors, making our entrances and exits. Nice concept, but
have you REALLY SEEN IT? Frank? Marj?
But here am I, preaching to the choir, hoping that my
descriptions will “convert” those who have never had real communion with the
Living Sacraments. It won’t. Only experience will.
“Are You Experienced?
Ah! Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have.”
-- Jimi Hendrix
Tough luck for those who don’t like the way the I AM expresses
Itself through this one. It’s the way my part was written!