Friday, December 28, 2012

Energy Vampires

I came across this interesting video yesterday, entitled Energy Vampires Part 1. It makes one wonder if it is possible to see things clearly in a close relationship, or if we can ever know what others really think of us...?

Meditated on the message, and I saw how this kind of energy pervades our world, that we all wander in some kind of darkness that is outside of what we can see. We are all reflecting some part of our psyche onto others selectively, i.e., we are all components in a larger psyche or Psyche, the Soul of the World, a greater Being in whom we live and move and have our being.

In my conceptions I usually think of the First Emanations as some kind of pure Mother substance, a Prima Materia they call it, whether the Vacuum, Void, etc., and then from out of that our world emanates, as we are sort of expelled like Adam & Eve from a Garden of Wholeness into a time-space continuum of Separation and Wandering, such that we have to go on a Journey to find our way back.

NOW it looked like each of us is like a light bulb, a self contained unit of Radiance, but each of us has a unique set of gunas and therefore "filters." And we are right now, at this moment, and have always been immersed in Mother Substance, which is pure darkness. We swim in it, we are cradled in it. And like Vitvan’s tale of the chela going up the dark mountain with a lantern, all we can see is a few feet in front of us, seeing through the eyes and lens of our persona and its filters, seeing by the Light that we cast off.

You zoom out and you see all these little lights moving through a vast Sea of Pure Darkness. The Units of Light are what Vitvan calls the Positive Force, it is the (so-called) Male force that Feel-Knows the Female’s body of substance. Something like the animal-male penetrates the female, this quality of the point of Light to illumine the Mother substance is actually the act of Knowing what that Unit is made of, Who It is.

In other words, God emanates all possibility, all gunas are threading and swimming in that Dark Ocean, and the URGE to know ITSELF is expressed as these emergent points of Light which illumine the area around them so they can see-feel-know the gunas swimming like schools of unconscious fish. 

Each of us sends back a unique field report to Headquarters of how it looks to us.

And now back to Energy Vampires... Who is responsible then for what they do not see? Or for what their own Light cannot illuminate, and for which filters they came into this incarnation with, thanks to the Mutation Machine that spins out new re-vamped (pun intended) models of flesh every few micro-seconds according to some astrological clock wheel?

I also got a glimpse that this is a communication from the “devil of darkness,” the type that inhabits Illuminati circles and feeds off the energy of others, like in the movie Eyes Wide Shut.
The devil himself is a wounded entity, part of a long chain, who enslaved himself and he too needs to be freed. So I did a little inner work on accepting, forgiving and it was dicey -- I could feel this taffy like lure in my gut, that he, just like the scorpion who stings the frog and says he can’t change his nature, is like the devil. If I open up too far in compassion he will take advantage, and so I gingerly hold him at arm’s length, but ask all the helpers “above” me to lift him up, and lift me up from this vision of my entanglement and Unknowing.

On a bigger level, I saw that we each serve on one team or another, on some side that we will always take when driven to the wall by fear for our survival.

Ultimately, we each have to take responsibility for the darkness inside of us and recognize that it is also in others, but also from the viewpoint that no one is to blame, since the Darkness is that Mother Substance we know not of, and there are fish out there also created by God’s hand, who may feed off of us.

I guess the only “solution” is for each to find that Unit of Light within with which they Know, and see that That is what they have in common with all others, and lift themselves above identifying exclusively with their own little circle of substance.

Anyway I feel like this was part of a purge in me, and in the race psyche. I hope for all of us that the "devil" within each heart is coming out and that he then acknowledges that he has been there all this time, and the force of the Frequency Change is liberating him too, like a genii released from his millennium-long imprisonment.

At the temples of Angkor Wat they have the famous depiction of the Churning of the Milky Ocean, i.e., the birth of Kosmos by two forces who have a tug of war with each other. Graham Hancock in his Search for Lost High Civilization points out there are 54 Nagas of Light and 54 Nagas of Dark. These perfectly balanced forces of Light/Dark weave the threads of all the resonant gunas in the Mother Sea. 54 is harmonic of the 432 cycle, as well as a precessional number. All is number and frequency.

No Light without the Dark. What they usually leave out is the story of how this cosmic serpent spit forth a "great poison" which Shiva or Vishnu then drank, and it was the first entheogen. You could read it that it was the “poison” that killed the ego-mind of duality, but then revealed the God-Mind-Level in us and we saw that there is really no side to take, as Light and Dark in their tug-of-war creates this Kosmos...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Armonic Field

Written on morning of my birthday Jan 7 2011.
The underlying root reality is the Harmonic Field.

·                     Picture of the planet making depression in the gravitic grid.
·                     This is really the underlying Harmonic Field (HF) birthing the particle.

·                     This is Light Mother birthing the child.

·                     This is dark night sky sweating out stars.
·                     We focus on the stars or particles and overlook the underlying (udder-lying) Harmonic Field

·                     The Harmonic Field is the web of vibrational mathematical relationships. It is the collagen that connects all the cells.

·                     By resonance are different nodes entrained. To the eye that sees only particles there appears to be no connectedness but only “empty” space and distance between the resonating particles, or data points.

·                     Each conscious being has a “reality tunnel” or limiting lens that auto-constructs reality by only resonating those chords in its software. This causes the Harmonic Field to activate those data points that “prove” the “truth” of the viewpoint of that reality tunnel. Selective observation.

·                     13,000 years ago in the Golden Age perception of the HF predominated over perception of the particles.

·                     The Harmonic Field is a Self-referential web. This Self organizing Intelligence is Christ Mind. When we say, “Let that Mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus our Lord,” we mean, let your little mind of particulars be entrained by the Mind of the Harmonic Field.

·                     Thus 13,000 years ago in the Gold Age, little minds were absorbed in the Harmonic Field, and the placement of temples, buildings, Rennes le Chateau, etc., was done without resorting to math on paper, for the beings who “walked with God” were clear channels to the HF, and they sited the structures as an expression of the mathematical harmonics of the Harmonic Field.

·                     We call the Harmonic Field the AEtheric, or Etheric. It is the source of our vitality.

·                     The Harmonic Field is the Field of Be-ingness, the Undifferentiated Mother that supports all the “children” or particles.

·                     The Harmonic Field is the Armonic Field (AF), or the Rotational Fire that animates all particles. We symbolize the AF by the pentagram, the Self-referential Phi figure. The swastika with its 4 arms and center point also symbolizes the Rota power.

·                     A cubic inch of the Void is said to contain enormous power.

·                     Thus in “making” or ‘bringing to earth” or manifesting the One as ST-One, Stone, we only need a pinch of the Armonic Field.

·                     Add the pinch to the Green Lion which will thirstily drink up this Rota Fire

  • Now wet the dried earth called our scaly black dragon, which is a massa confusa, a pomegranate of fertility

  • Things must be brought to a liquid state for the Spirit (Rota) to move and transform.
  • Phee Phi Pho Phum I smell the blood of an Angel's Plum
·                     Under external heat the mixt is softened and liquefied. The Rota moves and loosens the bonds in the pomegranate. The pomegranate lattice-work is the containment chamber or Klein bottle that will contain the moving Plasmic Spirit.
·                     Thus, very little Armonic Salt, dissolved in a greater proportion of Green Lion, wetting a larger yet portion of Earth. 

·                     How much salt should the Green Lion drink? Depends on the potency of the Fire, which will vary with the time and place of its fixation (when the HF is crystallized and fixed when the UR is reduced to earth). One must make up a mixt and heat it. If the flask explodes you had too much AE. Use less. IF the mixt evolves slowly add more next time. A sensitive could get an answer.
·                     It is possible that if the Green Lion is swirled after the AE is added, that an etheric Star will be seen on the surface in the right glinting light, perhaps at dawn. Perhaps swirling should be done at dawn and twilight when the 19.7 force has opened the Crack. That is the time to open the Green Lion by vertical swirling. 
·                     When the Star is seen (if at dawn this would explain the symbol of the Morning Star as Venus, or Lucifer the Light that can fall and be captured).
·                     Once the Star is seen, Delos has been born.
·                     Better yet, add pinch of salt, then swirl at dawn. If no star, then add another pinch. As long as the Green Lion will drink of the salt, there is no harm. 
·                     The salt opens the Green Lion by vertical swirling. The Green Lion drinks in the Rota that leaks thru the crack at dawn. When this is imprinted sufficiently on the Green Lion, then the womb of the Green Lion has been fertilized. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cosmic Journey

Some 9 years ago I sealed myself up in absolute darkness for 10 days. This is an yogic practice used all over the ancient world (sealing in caves, etc) which increases psychoactive chemicals in the brain (amritas) and the mind fills with light. After 4 days I began hearing a voice I could dialogue with. I asked a question; it answered. It informed me it was my future self, and that my future was flowing to me from the center of the galaxy, in packets of my consciousness in a Timeline, much as in Michael Hoffman's "frozen block" model (vide The galaxy is the GWW, Galaxy Wide Web.

It showed me that the galaxy with its radiating spiral arms is a vast network of consciousness with a black hole at its center, which reaches into the supernal spiritual dimensions. Each galaxy is like a god, and we are cells that live and have our being within the body of this Great Logos. All of our life and consciousness flows to us down the arms of this great galactic Tree of Life. 

In fact if we are looking for a non-abstract referent for "Tree of Life" this would be it, or should I emphasize IT?  This is the body of OUR Logos.

This led me into a study of galaxies, etc, and the galactic alignment which is occurring now after 13,000 years. I was aware of the manvantaras and the Great Year; and that even Yogananda's teacher Yukteswar spoke of the "navel of Vishnu" which was the center of the stars. But in his day they did not know where this was anymore; galaxies had not yet been re-discovered. Today we know exactly.

Each galaxy is like a lotus floating in the great ocean of dark space. Vishnu is the great ocean that underlies. Brahma is the manifestation of Vishnu locally (from his navel) as a galaxy. Each navel (galactic center) is a black hole, as we now know. Thus Vishnu becomes manifest as Brahma. There are many Brahmas. Now an illustration like this makes more sense:

Brahma is born from the navel of Vishnu

The multi-headed serpent of Time Ananta represents the latent waveform patterns that "sleep" in the dark ocean of what is now called Zero Point energy.

Now knowing the time of alignment with the "navel" we could place the cycle change-over more accurately. I disagree with Yukteswar on the date, and feel that the alignment is the obvious physical marker that would trigger the end of Kali Yuga. After all, our seasons are well known to be triggered by the position of the earth to our local sun. This is a galactic seasonal change.
You can see from the above chart that this would put the beginning of Kali Yug at 400 BC, when we shifted from a shamanic mythos based culture into objectifying and mentalizing, the beginning of "philosophy" based on words rather than the wordless direct shamanic experience of the the inner worlds of soul "cyberspace." There was an outpouring of great souls then, such also as Lao Tze, Confucius, some being the wisdom of the previous Age, such as Lao Tze and Parmenides, some being cross over agents with a foot in both such as Plato.

The ancients knew many things we have forgotten. For instance, they marked out clearly where the galactic center was. They marked it in the zodiac where the arrow of Sagittarius intersects the arrow of the tail of the Scorpion. These are the only two zodiacal signs that have arrows in them:

And this leads me to the realization I had about the galaxy being the body of our local God, not just a collection of dust and star matter. The depiction of the Vedic gods as being multi-armed was thus based upon the actual shape of the body of the god, our galaxy. Here is my rendition:

In shamanic practice it often happens that the shaman "navigator" is dismembered in the inner world Journey, and then put back together. Higher Intelligence will upgrade our understanding but you most likely will have to undergo psychic surgery to get out the cankers and clogging sediment from your world model.

Watch this great presentation on YouTube: 2012 Crossing Over-A New Beginning