Thursday, January 31, 2013

Juice of the Soul Fruit

I mentioned the subject of the Separator in regards to alchemy. But all is alchemy as it is being transmuted. I believe you know now what the action of the Separator feels like as it cuts down every tree not planted by the Father, carries you out from “among them.”

Today I am testing out the low dose iboga and it is very good. I awoke with the Sun and as I drank it (the Sun) in it was said “this is spiritual food not for the body but the soul.” I heard, “the ego reads and thinks ‘I tread the winepress alone,’ but the soul knows, I am the one trodden in the winepress, by one greater than I”

Forgive me for what I say when I am being trodden. I speak my truths without sugar. They are only my truths, at the moment.

I heard in the shower, “what will happen when one comes to the end of one’s mind?” Because we, made in the Creator’s image, also create images, and the entire story of our lives is a movie made up by that mind in us, and it is such a phenomenally wonderful complex movie, we cannot believe that we have made it, for we know not that we are gods. And so we treasure all the details and history and footnotes to this movie of our own making. But who are we when we stop writing this story? Will it be like the Matrix when one now sees the Code behind it? Perhaps this is coming now, the “Prophet” speaks from within before we meet the One who is always there, but unseen.

Last night while muddling about in the Archive for “nude” “naked” to expound upon this new litmus test for “Natural Order” ( and who is offended by it, I found this, from The Prophet, quoted by Vitvan:

"When Love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. 

For even as Love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun. So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. 

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. He thrashes you to make you naked. He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. He kneads you until you are pliant; And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast. 

All these things shall Love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart. 

But if in your fear you would seek only Love's peace and Love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of Love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. 

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For Love is sufficient unto Love. 

When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.” And think not you can direct the course of Love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. 

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of Love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate Love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon you lips."

On the relation of the Soul to the Solar Plexus

There are TWO souls as some ancient streams recognized. There is the incarnating soul who comes down and in from the group mind level (“ancestors”) in a effort to bring this higher Mind into the 3D density; and then there is a refined body produced as a fruit by the Genetic Entity (GE) in its longing and reaching upward. These TWO souls meet in the crucible of the Heart and attempt to blend, completing the bi-fold flow of Consciousness both up and down, expressed in union as Solomon’s Seal.
The Solar Plexus (SP) holds the energy of the Sun in the animal body where the GE resides. The culminated wisdom of eons of biological refinement rests here with an URGE to ascend home.

The Ancestor Soul resides in the upper room, the upper body, and resides in the Heart in the newborn.  When, through practice, this “upper” soul is moved into the head, then one is “sainted” and the soul’s light shines as a nimbus. Should it become overly fascinated with body survival and the biological programming, and flow its attention downward from love into lust, then the building of the bridge between Upper world of Ancestors and this world biological vehicle will be postponed yet another lifetime.

It is more to be desired that the sublimated essence of the biological (Lower) soul join with the Upper soul in marriage and then complete the bridge of the fruiting Vine, the antahkarana.

The Soul is the Son of God; the Solar Plexus is the Son of Man. Hence it is called Bethlehem, the House of Bread, and is the waystation by which the Christos in the spermatic Chrisms communicates to the Upper Room via the Vagus.

How can they come together? The SP must kneel before the Soul so that he serves the Higher One, then they can fuse into the Heart center shown as the Cross.

The vertical line is Son of God, horizontal is Son of Man

The emblem of the Templars, two men riding on the same horse, expresses this basic architecture:  Two souls riding a biological vehicle. I looked down into heart/solar region and surprised, saw friendly face of a horse looking up, and I stroked and laid my head alongside his. My animal side.

Centaurs etc., are depictions of this inner architecture.

We are the Ka, the Ba,and the La. 
Ka upper soul
Ba lower soul, distillate of GE line
La, the horse, or biological vehicle.


{Fulcanelli in his exposition on the hidden language of initiates (green language... see below) points out that Cabala (from Spanish for horse caballo) is a coded language.)

Then as I looked into my head for more I understood what it meant that the Veil is the Temple was rent, for our head is our Temple, and there is a Veil therein that hides from us the Holy of Holies within our Selves.
What is at the End of the Mind?  The Arche, or Ark. Symbol of the Seed (or End) of mind is the Anchor, which rests on unmoving land, the Rock. But it is now covered by a Flood of astral Ocean, a process which befell Earth as some archaic past during the Fall of the Yugas. In itself a natural cycle, but it cut off the root of consciousness from direct knowledge of the Land. 

Now the Anchor is fastened to a ship on the Ocean, a ship which was fashioned to carry us across this Ocean, called the Arche, or Ark. This is a secret within the mind of the Son of Man. The Ark was made to endure the Flood, and is still connected by an umbilical cord to the Anchor. The Flood lead us into another world, that of the internal story and pictures in the astral-mental; into the world created in our private world by the little mind.

The Ark shows this in that it is filled with animals 2 x 2, that is, every emotion in polarity of like and dislike. The Ark is the vehicle of the rationalizing mind. 

The Ocean beneath the Ark can also be seen as the Undifferentiated Plenum, but its roiling energy full of waves makes it more property the Chaotic First Emanation within Mother substance, gunas, waveforms. The Land under the Ocean is more properly the Rock of the Crystalline Void.

From Mystery of the Cathedrals--

For me, gothic art (art gothique) is simply a corruption of the word argotique (cant), which sounds exactly the same. This is in conformity with the phonetic law, which governs the traditional cabala in every language and does not pay any attention to spelling. The cathedral is a work of art goth (gothic art) or of argot, i.e. cant or slang. Moreover, dictionaries define argot as 'a language peculiar to all individuals who wish to communicate their thoughts without being understood by outsiders'. Thus it certainly is a spoken cabala. The argotiers, those who use this language, are the hermetic descendants of the argonauts, who manned the ship Argo. They spoke the langue argotique—our langue verse ('green language' or slang)--- while they were sailing towards the felicitious shores of Colchos to win the famous Golden Fleece. People still say about a very intelligent, but rather sly, man: 'he knows everything, he understands cant.' All the Initiates expressed themselves in cant; the vagrants of the Court of Miracles—headed by the poet Villon— as well as the Freemasons of the Middle Ages, 'members of the lodge of God', who built the argotique masterpieces, which we still admire today. Those constructional sailors (nautes) also knew the route to the Garden of the Hesperides... 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Suffer It To Be So Now

I DO so appreciate the cutting sword of wisdom instead of the capitulating sweetness and light of "let's just all get along."

Consider that ironically, SNO has run off many who know the Field internally (raised here) but didn't want to engage in tilting at windmills with a stubborn entrenched clique, and went off to mature elsewhere. Therefore, it may be the "outsider" who can be the best helper now. (Remember the dynamic in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy by chance? It was the "outsider" who regenerated the System.) 

"Outsiders" serving on the Board could possibly bring to SNO an independent oversight because they have no economic interest in the place, don't live there and don't have to protect their squatting rights and their "this is my home and property" mentality and fears. Someone serving on the Board who grew up there and left may well remember the uplifting and free-wheeling days of Anita (which is now the referent for the Golden Age for Sheppard, Rex, Rowena, and many others too), who know that something important has faded.  

About all I can expect from the Board is to produce dog policies, and I hope for enlightened ones to turn up. So a mature outsider who has honestly faced his/her own emotions and is inclusive toward all beings at whatever state of consciousness has all the qualifications needed to be on the Board at this time. The real Teaching does not reside with them! And for me, it does not necessarily reside either with "long time" students who can recite Vitvan. The Field will awaken those who are ready for that next stop. We must, and we are, I hope, re-instituting the Inner School which will find those students needing it, who wander in over the cattle guard. 

If, and this is my opinion, we still cling to some "brand name" teaching called Vitvan, we miss his whole point. The Teaching is about finding that fiery Spirit within and then trusting IT to show each the Way for themselves. Yes, it would be another ironic disaster if the "appearances are where it's at" crowd brought in some outside organizer to try and polish up the outside of the cup, who thinks they can measure the "success" of the hidden Field by how many asses sit in the chairs, or how many books are sold...

This is now a battle for the Soul of SNO.


Give me people with Soul #1. They have bullshit sniffers. Some people live Vitvan without even knowing it. Others can quote him but don't have a living clue. Which do we want?  I have said it before, Vitvan left the Board in a dilemma. How can you ask someone to keep a focus to Mind level when you don't know what it even feels like? All they can do is keep a private world image of what they imagine it must be like. About like saying "keep the taste of strawberries in mind" when one has never tasted strawberries...

Yesterday at class another good tape on Christos, #7. He talked about how when the psycho-dynamism "came in" and evolved "up" the psychic body out of the configuration run by the vital dynamism. He called this an act of the Grace of God. No one, no animal called forth the incoming elevating Power with their intention, focus, meditation, practice, chanting, breathing, blah blah

IT happens WHEN IT happens.  

Vitvan is always being gentle with us. The power of the Christos comes in when IT comes in, regardless of all the little collection of prayer flags, beads, candles, chants, books, and tapes we have collected and placed upon the altar in our private world chapels. "We" (for there is no real "I") don't make shit happen!

He finishes off the lesson by saying that when the Power moves into the Heart, we enter Love, and every time we feel Love it kills off a bit more of the ego, until there is no more "I." So how then, crafty fox, can he expect those living in a state believing in an "I" to keep a focus on a level of consciousness where there is no "I" !!!    Get it? The Admonition to the Board (warning) is a fairy tale for those unawakened to the reality, Reality, that they don't even exist, that they are being dreamt by God.

Let me pull out my notes from the lesson. [I am the only one taking notes during class...]

"In Reality there is no individual, it hits us as a crushing blow... we want to have that 'I am doing it' and develop it. But one way or another we surrender the 'I am I' sense. Little by little we have developed it. Little by little we surrender it."

"With Love, little by little we DIE and surrender it. "

"Love and death are twins, and when you love enough you die completely, the 'I am I' dies."

"He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."
                -- Matthew 10:39 (NAS)

"SNO is not about how to 'get' objects of desire (black magic)."

"If you stay in SNO, YOU WILL DIE."  [Boy, were they all silent then!] 

"Then comes the birth of the Christos!"

For a modern entheological thesis on discovering that the ego has no control, and we surrender to being controlled by a Greater Power, which then gives us freedom in the only sense that it is truly available to us, see

(This is dense but if you can read Vitvan, you'll make it through!)

So you see, my dear friend, his instructions to the Board are soothing bedtime words to sleeping children. He knows that IT is in charge and that is the only TRUTH, and no one can rush the time table or control it, and so, everything must be AS IT SHOULD BE RIGHT NOW. For we are gods who don't yet know what that means, but for sure we are aspects of that God Christos who comes into the Temple when "HE" is good and fucking ready! And "He" runs the School, and "He" runs the Field, and "He" will happily find another home in some other heart if this form of SNO fades, and "He" could give a shit, for "He" is deathless, and All-in-All, and has all the time in the world, and resides at peace, resting in the NOW of the I-Am-the-One-I-seek.

All we have to do is endure this amazing process of being undone and having our identities stripped from us. I am amazed at my blindness and reactivity every time IT pushes some old identity to the surface. I get lost in my "certainty" of what and who I am, and for sure, not one bit of that is who I am, or who you are.  

So suffer it to be so. Suffer, so that IT can come in. Live in the Love of Mother-Father's GRACE that is beyond our understanding, yet is guiding us through. And remember: Everything you know is Wrong! (old Firesign Theatre album title). If this state were IT, we'd be there NOW... 

We are just little caterpillars wiggling cautiously with the URGE!

"Time brings forth hidden truth..."
-- Woodblock illustration on title-page of 
Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, 1626

-- Taken from personal correspondence in October 2011

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lightworker's Oath

Vitvan says that the essence of self-development is to become consciously aware of higher and higher frequencies. To do this one must go through a purificatory or purgational period of cleaning the lens of the personality. One climbs the World Tree like a shaman, into the sky of the higher psyche and the worlds of beauty, and down into the Hell of the Underworld of the psyche full of contradictory and base motivations.

One sees at last that this is just how it is, here/now, in this place. The period of training as apprentice comes to an end, and one graduates to being a Lightworker. No longer “raising the forces” but turning around and heading “back down.”

The job of the Lightworker is to bring the Light down into the darkness.

The solar plexus is like a great satellite receiving dish, it tunes into all the criss-crossed and mish-mashed gunas in the race psyche. It is the doorway through which the Lightworker enters the world to balance the gunas.

Think of the fat Buddhas with their pot bellies, they have eaten the world. Fat like the pomegranate that Persephone ate, full of guna seeds, that took her down into the Underworld with Plouton (“wealth”), the hidden world from which the kundalini sap rises in springtime. Think of Ganesh, the fat elephant god whose effigy is placed over doorways. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles.

Tune into the solar plexus, feel the substance of the confusion and pressures in the race psyche, without identification. It is only force. This is your linkage to bring the Light down and mix it in. Stand at the center pole of the Heart and the higher frequencies you now know will flow into and in-between the coarser gunas, slowly untangling them.

This is the Lightworker’s job. It is the sacrifice (“to make sacred”) for which you came.