Sunday, December 21, 2014

If you meet the Christ on the road, crucify Him!

It’s nearly Xmas time again, and so here is my gift from the I AM in me to the I AM in you.

We’ve evolved enough to know that the stories of external “saviors” and “god-men” are really a mythos describing the software of Unfoldment found in the kernel of each of us, part of the OS of our soul-self (a developing entity and vehicle for communicating the collective memory of our Oversoul, and each incarnational bio-bot).

The “enlightened” ones tell us pretty much the same tale: that we live in a collectively hallucinated consensus reality, a soup of private worlds, each of us adding our own slant and flavor to the stew. The collective densit y of our overlapping precepts gives weight and inertia to “reality.” It persists because we reinforce it.

Put  simply, they said we live in a maya, or construct. Parts of it are “true” but much is freighted with personal projection, hence an “illusion.”

The problem is when people try to imagine what it would feel like to perceive without their normal current of self-identifying, self-promoting predictive filtering of the vast streaming ocean of incoming sensory data. They can’t do it UNLESS they are somehow shocked out of the normal mode of processing.

Meditation advocates promote that their particular set of tools will do this, and they always point to a very small handful of adepts in their tradition. But other than these natural savants the overwhelming majority cannot lift themselves out of their ordinary repetitive patterns of massaging “reality.”

Vitvan came to this conclusion based on the dismal results seen watching the non-progress of his students. The feel-know Delphic emotional approach only worked for some...some whose internal structures were sufficiently “loose” so that they could enter what Michael Hoffman of calls “loose-cog,” the ability to watch yourself construct realities, standing aside and seeing the thoughts arise and get sorted into categories.

Along came GS, General Semantics, which finally  put forth a pretty clear explanation of how the nervous system automatically “abstracts,” sorts and files sensory input. It all happens behind the scenes as daily models of reality are constructed and reinforced. If only one could become aware of this process, then they could begin to eliminate erroneous calculations. One could become more “sane” meaning what they perceived had a better alignment with what is “out there” and thus improve their survival ability. After all, whether we say it is blind evolution, or a spiritual component forever increasing higher levels of identity and organization which we call the I AM within us, it’s always a story about getting the maps to match the territory better. Which means greater cooperation and even surrender to the Intelligence of Self-organizing Cosmos.

Alas, jamming this mentalization down student’s throats did NOT “stop the mind,” and lift the “soul” or “spiritual viewer” very far out of their constructed reality... if at all. One has only to look at those still plodding in his School of the Natural Order. This has become some sort of Smug Club where those persons pride themselves on “owning” a “superior product.”  “My teaching is more advanced that yours!” And now, they have even reductively dwindled back the force of Vitvan’s maps and outline by insisting their purpose is to (only) “disseminate Vitvan.”  All one has to do is read the Mission Statement put forth by Vitvan himself in the Incorporation papers for SNO: he says their purpose is to share and teach the relationship between man and God, and to pass on the wisdom teachings of ancient masters and methods. In fact, he does not even mention himself by name!

SNO never lifts the student any higher than into a mentalizing model about the nature of Cosmos. The real work, or Purificatory Process ONLY begins after one contacts a higher Field, and repetitively learns to enter loose-cog states, allowing the energy of the higher field to flush through them and rattle out the stuck knots of personal history and poor map-to-territory self-justifying emotional constructs.

And should any student contact  this higher field (the true Home Farm in the inner worlds) they will find their energized state increasingly in conflict with the Procrustean status quo at Home Farm, until the ruling culture there can no longer stand having its presumptive authority undermined, and drives this student away. Be of good cheer! To be pushed out of that nest means you are no longer a fledgling in an incubator for babies.

The value of psychedelics (“mind manifesting) substances as sacraments and medicine, in the hands of those who can use them as tools intelligently, is that they shut down normal abstracting, induce loose-cog and the chance to see through the constructed thicket of the persona, to the shining yet Awe-Full core of meta-human consciousness that we are; that we are not this suit, this construct, this meatbag of harvested perceptions and prejudices. That we are in fact an embedded and immutable thread within a larger Intelligence, with which we must cooperate. IT is driving us until we become operable fingers upon ITs Hand.

To pretend that because the Vitvan that spoke through Ralph did not discuss some subject, then we cannot talk of it  or incorporate new information into the set of maps he left behind, is patently stupid,  not at all in line with his instructions, and is the narrow defense mode of the unawakened children who impose their sandbox values on students who come into his School. SNO has become Plato’s Playpen in the Cave.

Vitvan succinctly defines the First Crossing (the Core Curriculum of his teaching and work) to be simply the "bringing up of the content of the Unconscious into conscious awareness."

Psychedelics can do that. Meditation as taught by SNO, and even by Vitvan himself, has a notable track record of failure. But when you read deeper into him, you realize he was not promoting this Unwinding dissolving process for the average camp follower and student. It would be premature and too much for them. So he bequeathed tame palliatives that might calm down a reactive mind... but little more. It takes power, shock, and a higher energy field to crack open the nut of the personality vehicle so that Mind might manifest.

I conclude with this passage from Michael Hoffman:

Meditation *can*, "can", induce panic attack and enlightenment -- except, in fact and in practice, meditation does not, without psychedelics, lead to enlightenment about non-control and fatedness and recognizing religious mythic metaphor as referring to entheogens revealing Heimarmene and Cybernetics.

If you claim that you care about meditation, then you are wrong unless you also advocate our right to meditation with psychedelics otherwise you are just another Tool of the state, fraudulent authoritarian liars, prostituting yourself to be used by the prohibitionists - you are a sellout to the prohibitionist state and an enemy of actual religious experiencing.

To advocate meditation while belittling psychedelics is to be a fraud and to be complicit in Prohibition. Advocates of meditation who falsely belittle psychedelics are guilty and complicit in putting people in jail under fraudulent pretenses. They have the blood of today's martyrs on their hands. If you advocate meditation, you must advocate psychedelics even more so, or else you're acting foolish, spouting prohibitionist lies that oppress people.

The meditation advocates are privileged aggressors who cooperate, collaborationist with the prohibitionists. These drug-slandering meditation advocates' thinking is infected by prohibitionist biased attitudes. These meditation bullies beat up on psychedelics, taking unfair cheap flimsy pot-shots from their privileged Establishment-friendly positions. Due to Prohibition-based censorship, no worthwhile writers are allowed to publish rebuttals to the absurd claims, the absurd put-downs that the meditation advocates make against psychedelics.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Learn to Give Value

There's a phrase of so-called "wisdom" bandied about by students at SNO. "Learn to give no value."

Reflecting on this, it struck me how out of context it is, and generally what inappropriate advice it also is.

When Vitvan examined his own inner working, he could comment: “Hmmm, I don’t seem to get caught up in giving value anymore. So then, O my chela, Learn to Give No Value.”

Then what happens? Some student is trying to reverse engineer a higher state, and then IMITATE it. This is the kind of “shortcut” that is rightly condemned. (for one who is actively training honestly in their level, there are, as in all training, worse and better methods, hence actual “shortcuts” which experience and testing will reveal)

But a higher state is not something you LEARN by some practice, by constantly stopping and correcting your natural self.

Giving value, making decisions, judgment calls, seeing distinctions, this is what the ego mind in the South Half does. And correctly so.

Here’s my big critique of this kind of yogic process: Yes you can still the South Half with discipline and suppression of its forces so that you go into a quiescent reflective state. But will it stick? Are you “naturally” there? Did you grow to it through expression from the I AM ? Or is this an ego based practice on the pleasure-profit motive level, someone seeking to end ‘suffering?’ and get more pleasure. Does anyone see how much “value giving” is in this kind of method? So what happens? These guys will have to reincarnate and pick up where they artificially pushed themselves off the track.

You don’t like certain foods? You’re giving value. You don’t want certain people as lovers? You’re giving value. In fact we do it all the time, and it is appropriate to find out what the personality is composed of. After all your so-called Higher Self apparently found it necessary or of "value" to put forth this personality you have identified with.

If you brought your computer to me and said “It’s got viruses. What do I do?” and my learned response was “Just turn it off and voila! you won’t be troubled any more.” Then why have a computer?

One doesn’t “learn” to give no value, they burn out value giving until they outgrow that phase. Correctly allowing the Natural Order to express itself means give value again and again and again, refining it, watching it, streamlining it.

When an teacher in higher states tries to describe his conscious state behavior, it should NOT be taken as what to do. This only derails the student from his levels of growth. This leads to inauthentic students derailed onto some siding in their development. They may look peaceful or detached, but they are really disassociated, with an unintegrated psyche, and will sit stuck on this spur because they are not developing through refining being reactive. A student driven by pleasure-profit motive will only abandon non-effective reactions IF they continue to give value and test out their psychic machinery.

You see it everywhere, guru groupies clustered like chicks around Mama Guru Hen. They live for the contact high. But unless pushed out of the nest, they will not outgrow the value they give to being a chela, and thus cannot one day find the master in themselves.

When YOU move beyond sitting in church and reading about or listening to someone else's patter about THEIR state, and begin to touch on new states in yourself, then you will begin to have faith that  there really is a Plan of Unfoldment; then you begin to stop trying to grade yourself and "how far along you are," and trust in the Process to do Its thing on you. Next you'll realize that YOU are the PROCESS Itself, and It was perfectly happy to create and put forth a "you." WHY are you messing with the program? Just Be It and let It be you.

 They keep saying "it's all energy" but then condemn certain expressions of this divine energy. That's what you do when your ego is not yet ready to surrender to the Process working you over. Don't worry what "they" think or say, don't worry about trying to be "nice." Be "good," be "bad;" when you let it all hang out and honor your expression as it arises, then you may discover how Being is beyond value giving.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vitvan for Wimps

Periodically I am inspired to make further commentary upon the charade that is Home Farm and School of the Natural Order, as presented by School Arbiter Marj Coffman, and coming-soon-to-theaters near you, Lynne Hoffman. These are the chief resident “scholars” who assume their filtered version of Vitvan is an accurate representation of what he was actually after.

How appropriate that Marj leads a class called Yoga For Wimps. This really nails the level of instruction she provides in her guise as school marm. In looking back at what must be the focal point of infection that lead to this current decline, it always comes back to Marj Coffman. The envious and sour Marj.

When I first returned to SNO in 2000 I worked hard to be on the team. Marj would happily sneer at the memory of her ex-husband Fred Hess (whom Vitvan considered a possible successor); she mocked John Gozzi (whom Vitvan considered a possible successor); she had bad things to say about Anita, who actually was the successor. And then Jim Dalton "who edited the frequency out of Vitvan's words." She was insulting towards John Sheppard who for more than 30 years had lived at Home Farm, quietly working in the background. All Marj could remember was a distorted view of him as a young man who seduced girls in his orchard trailer. Oh Marj, who so wished to be hip she painted her house in day glow colors, but couldn't get past the fact that young girls and boys just wanted to have some fun twenty years earlier. Here it was two decades later and still these Calvinist uptight judgments gnawed at her mind. Do you know that twice Vitvan send her away from his school, but she crept back in to get her revenge at last. To be the one who controlled the Message of Vitvan.

The core of Vitvan's work is the inner work of what he calls the First Crossing, defined as "bringing up the entire content of the subconscious into conscious awareness." What SNO offers now is NO help in this process because the leaders will not seriously undertake it in themselves. They think that continuously repeating Vitvan's EXOteric work, words, words and more words, is actually carrying out his mission. It's not.

One woman who suffered lifelong depression from repeated childhood abuse finally found relief through sessions with an African shaman using Iboga, the ancient sacred medicine of the Pygmies. When she told Marj that her depression was cured, that she no longer needed bio-identical hormones for menopause, and other remarkable turn-arounds, and wanted to share her story at class, Marj said "No one here would be interested in that."

Can you believe the ignorance of this woman Marj Coffman? What does she think Vitvan's work is really about? It's certainly not about Marj's watered down elementary school marm version. The lack of empathy and understanding of what the entire First Crossing is about is monumental on the part of this poseur.
It was Marj who went along with every bad decision the Board made, while complaining that "they" were too strong for her. It was Marj who said SNO couldn't survive without Susan Wetmore, the girl-woman who has offended more students and residents than anyone else.

Perhaps even Vitvan needed his Judas to steer the ship onto the rocks, so that possibly it might be rebuilt anew one day. But how? Enough students who have lived there and know the inside story have seen the shit they dealt. Susan Wetmore perjured herself in court at an eviction hearing which was in itself an insult to Due Process. The current Board has no scruples when they want to bully to protect their little cult.

Lame duck president of SNO Pat Murray is making a quick exit. He and the Diva of Despondency his spouse Jane are leaving. Why would they give up their plush home they sunk so much money into? Could it be that No Hurry Murray can't take all the physical chores that devolve on him now that SNO has lost its best contractor builders? Or could it be he's aware that SNO has been turned into the Dept. of Ag. for their fraudulent application for a Water Grant; a probe which is not yet closed?

Another insider student repeated to me recently his observations and theory that the real focal infection has been Jane Murray all along. Jane doesn't like Vitvan, she even says she is NOT a student of him. She and her Pollyanna friends tried to edit the Vitvan tapes and remove his occasionally mild salty language. Fortunately this assault on historical verity by the PC police failed.  But as long as she lived there, she would inject her neurotic bile into the stream. When she leaves her lapdog Wetmore will be directionless.  

Next up is the ambitious Lynne Hoffman, the new president. Lynne is so proud and vain she never asks for help. She always says "she can do it all." I guess that's why she still can't resize images or make the SNO website look like anything other than an Excel spreadsheet with boxes. Luckily the majority of the work done by this author still remains.

At the 2014 seminar, Lynne was asked if she understood that it was important to repair the rift with the students who have distanced themselves from SNO, and she said she did. But since Lynne is one of the chief rift-makers, how is this possible? The vanity, insularity, and arrogance of these people is such that they refused to meet in mediation, or discuss any issue. They would surely loose an open discussion if their actions and justifications were compared to Vitvan's instructions for community. No, I cannot see them apologizing, or admitting that they started this war., And so, a smiley face will continue in denial.

In despair over the injustice that has overtaken Vitvan's school, I once threw the I Ching for advice. The oracle reported

SPLITTING APART. IT does not further one 
 To go anywhere.

Inferior people are on the rise and stealthily begin their destructive 
burrowing from below in order to undermine the place where the superior 
man rests. Those followers of the ruler who remain loyal are destroyed by 
slander and intrigue. The situation bodes disaster, yet there is nothing to do 
but wait.

And so, those who have left this sinking ship can best support the Spirit of Vitvan by further inner work upon themselves. I'm sure the intelligent reader will not miss the irony that if Susan or Lynne of Marj were to throw such an I Ching, they would be sure that the "inferior" peoples are the ones they have bullied and harassed and driven out of the school! 

Now in the 2014 “Seminar” I see “students” will be treated to stories about the Dweller on the Threshold, armchair tales with pretty pictures to sooth them into thinking they have actually learned something beyond the psychic symbolism of roadmap pabulum.

What is then the Dweller on the Threshold? When one embraces the Level II of Vitvan’s teaching, the Purificatory Process where one actually cultivates bringing up material from the subconscious, rather than SNO-ozing as goes on in Sunday tape class, they begin to encounter what Vitvan calls the “jackasses and peacocks” of the hidden psyche, the dirty laundry, the embarrassing sexual thoughts, in fact, the feeling that one is too often a puppet jerked around by the “formative forces.” When the Fire of the Cathartic Process in kindled, there will be dark and scary shadows projected from the psyche. How many embrace this Process?

This mask or persona we wear and defend increasingly is seen as programmed behavior, or as St. Paul says “...I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” [Romans 7:24]

In this part of the Process we see more and more that we have had less and less “control” all along, that we did “A” when the Power-to-be-Conscious (P2BC) said “jump to A” and then “B” when IT commanded “now you grow into B.” All along our egos thought it was our practice, our “raising of the forces,” our insights, our plans to co-operate with “evolution” that were bringing about the changes. Oh foolish students, small eddies sidetracked in the Torrent of the Tao, teeny leaves on Giant Trees in a Cosmic Forest, how unimportant your efforts.

As Vitvan once said about the relationship of our Higher Selves and this little private world bubble of the personality, “It’s not that your Higher Self doesn’t care about your private world, It doesn’t even know it exists.”

 And so, what I have to say about the Dweller, or any approach to it, this zone of dissolution in which the proud ego not only lays down and dies, but is pummeled down until it shuts the fuck up, is that these encounters are often of FEAR. Fear of losing control, of your extinction, that there is no future for you, no future for you to design and hold visions of. 

And you can count on the fact that part of the pummeling will be at the hands of those Sweetness & Lighters who now denounce you and your efforts to see clear and cross the Wilderness.  .

There is a reason it is said one should “fear the Lord.” Those who have glimpses of this Greater Power are “full of awe,” and it is because that Power is AWE-FUL. It will bring no comfort to your vanity; in fact IT will make you miserable as you are defeated, deflated and delaminated layer by layer.

Our earth cultures are at the historical crossroads where we are increasingly away that we, semi-conscious that we are, are being PENETRATED by an Alien Mind. Perhaps we always have been. Whether we call this a "higher Self" or "the Elders," the hallmark of such is that IT is of a level of consciousness on a more cohesive level of Field awareness which demands that we surrender to IT. Phrases like "God moves in mysterious ways," or "It is the Will of God" acknowledge that unfolding events often do not support our little self-serving purposes.

Some say the Alien Mind has always been with us; that we are hybrids. Or, that aspects of cosmos called the Archons, seemingly unempathic and antipathetic to human emotions, have invaded us like an infection. Are the mounting blunders of human civilization that have led us to the crises we face now worldwide the outcome of intrinsic flaws in our characters, magnified over time? Or have we left the "natural order" because our innate "goodness" has been corrupted by these invaders? 

Can we even hope to step outside the bubble of our conditioned personalities thru ecstatic means, to hopefully get a glimpse and to find guidance?

It seems to me also a hallmark of the "enlightened states" that they are more detached from personal emotion, compassion being a caring for a larger state of identity, the welfare of humanity. Is there really such an abstraction? Isn't this kind of surrender also capable of becoming on the Dark Side, an "obedience to the State," fascism by way of spirituality? A hive mind? It may not be such a bad thing if we lose some of our "humanity" which needs to mature beyond the "it's-all-about-me" stage. If the time has come for earthlings to join a larger galactic community of the "higher Selves," we may have little choice indeed as to the outcome of being penetrated by the Alien Mind.  Something has to mature in humanity or get fixed for us to move to the next level.

Who in their right mind would embrace this Process? We will all go kicking and screaming when the time comes, but no man knows at what time the Lord will come in. But once this has started its transition in you, then you will know Fear again and again as your private world is undone. And you will slowly learn to embrace it, reluctantly trusting it as there is no turning back once the flame is kindled. It came not to warm you in comfort, but to tear down your house of flim-flam navel-gazing over MY sports team, my religion, my partisan political beliefs, my garden, my book edits, "our" [MY-- Marj Coffman says] School.

For those who sit in classes watching pretty pictures of this upcoming trainwreck, enjoy your Dick and Jane level roadmap for now, your astral mummery and feel-good nursery school stories. If you have not felt the fear of yourself slipping away, the fake foundation being broken and razed to expose the Bedrock of Ages beneath, then you are where you belong: 

Sitting at any version of an Home Farm looking at a reflection of the Moon pointed towards by the Alien Mind Level of one who has found the "Vitvan" within.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Meaning What

The search for “meaning” is the essence of the standard Quest-ions, WHO am I, WHERE did I come from, WHERE am I going?

I see that the underlying anatomy of this Quest is the exploration of the relationship between the part and the whole. None of us are separate from the Process but are corpuscles in the multi-verse, we receive energy/information, and pass it on as it flows through. We may transform or alter it, but any and all of our functions fall within patterns worked out by Nature and refined over the Ages.

In the past 100 years as the Old Cycle drew to a close we’ve seen consciousness tipped towards awareness of our being integrated into an ecology bigger than our own little pedantic search for gratification.

War has always had the side-effect of making  civilizations more aware of other cultures, leading to the exchange of ideas, memes, and genetic matériel. With Industrialization the forces of Empire building were enhanced, and this churned up the world dividing lines faster. It became harder and harder to cling to pet perceptions and acculturation.

Then came psychology with its liberating and threatening ideas that “just because you think and feel it doesn’t mean it’s ‘right’.”  Perhaps we are programmed? By culture, religion, genetics, sensory limitations? Is there then really a “you” who is the perceiver, who can stand separate from its accumulated identities? Is the “you” simply an artifact of a collection of gunas, skhambas, aggregates, astrological influences....?

Then came ecology, systems analysis, and a growing awareness that no-thing is an island. This motion continues to grow while simultaneously undermining the meme of being separate in any manner.

You see it also in cosmology: the Old Cycle idea that space is empty and its associated idea of gravitation being the causal force, is collapsing. On the quantum level we have heard that the vacuum is actually a concentrate of energy extraordinary in potential.  But on the macro level, the old meme that planets  and solar systems float in emptiness, with little going on out there... this meme is utterly failing now.

The empty space model (and its sister, the expanding Universe) is collapsing. It has patched itself up again and again with the Big Bang religion, and when gravity couldn’t explain the forces seen, then unseen forces such as Dark Matter, and then in another patch, Dark Energy were postulated. Then came Black Holes, which cannot be observed by definition. This is classic deus-ex-machina Wizard of Oz behind the curtain trickery.

Space is not empty at all. It is full and teeming with electrical energy and plasma. We live in a dynamic flowing Tao of streaming particles and their created magnetic fields. The enhanced perception now from Hubble, Chandra, and many other satellites that explore the invisible forces filling “empty” space now show us clouds of electrical fields stretching between galaxies, and that we live in a cosmic circulatory system. Not only does our Sun radiate out energy, but it equally receives it and as a transformer circulates it back through the planets into the galaxy. (See the Electric Universe model

Everywhere, the meme of separation within emptiness is falling.

As to our sense of self, is Nature in its internal motion for economy of forces and maximal flow refining the interrelationship of these patterns into self-awareness of Its patterns? Is there a Self emerging within the Process much as an organism produces at end cycle a fruit, a miniature of its self which contains all the information needed to repeat creating more such selves? This is a self-referential process, expressed as a miniature self within a larger self, and is the basic definition of something that is “hyper-dimensional.”

This is a self-rolling wheel within a wheel. And is not that tree that produces the fruit itself inside a larger “wheel” as part of an interlocking ecology of consciousness (information pattern)?

This brings us to the esoteric section: that when the Plenum, or Whole, observed Its Wholeness, this internal act of observation reflected self within Self, like a bubble appearing in the Foundation of Cosmos.

This is the first appearance of Self and Other, the root of duality and polarity. Symbol geeks might like to show this as O represents Wholeness or the Plenum, while (o) represents the bubble, that self within Self where the Wholeness contemplates an IMAGE or Eidolon of Itself, within Its field of consciousness. Hyperdimensional.  The “part” is contained within the Whole. (man I love capital letters! This drives Old sour Cycle schoolmarms like Marj Coffman crazy! Heh heh!) .

But there is a 3rd player: the interface between the two which is the membrane shown as
(   ).   This now sets the stage in our Play. We have a Trinity, and here is the root of the philosophical discussion on whether there is “two” or “three.”

I want to say that this membrane is where we find Meaning in our existence.  “Mean” implies that which is between the two, “that which is in the middle (OED).”

As long as we live in sense of separateness we don’t grow in awareness of our relationship to the Whole we are part of. But when a being begins to be attracted to understanding its relation to the Whole, and that there is more than survival and gratification of little self, then we say the spiritual Work is begun.

Acceptance of our part as a corpuscle in the Process leads to surrender, meaning cooperation with the Process; and to sacrifice, meaning sacri “sacred” and fice from Latin facere “to make,” so, to “make sacred.” To support the Process of the Whole more than the gratification of the self.

A new part or body or vehicle grows in the field of our self. When we examine the interface or membrane  (  )  this begins to develop what some call “soul.” This is an idea held by many of the ancients, and let’s call them “gnostics,” meaning those who sought knowledge through their own inner direct experience instead of repeating someone else’s ideas as belief.

Among some of the gnostic traditions we find humanity divided into three classes:

  1. The Pneumatics, or those who attain such inner gnosis or revealing of Meaning
  2. The  Psychics, those who hear of the possibility of gnosis, study and read all about it like someone collecting a library of travel brochures and books, but who still sits in the easy chair mentalizing, and not hitting the road to take the Journey. Perhaps we can liken them to buds that MAY develop into ripe fruit
  3. The Hylics, those who may hear that there is more than their little sense of self survival and gratification, but it doesn’t grab them. WHY they ask, if they ask at all, should “I” care about anything  besides my little world? I am great as I am being me, unexamined; I am “right” about things, however I feel is justified.

In this viewpoint  we see that not everyone will develop a “soul” or intermediate body because they don’t contemplate how the part relates to the Whole, how the self is a corpuscle within Self. They who do not ripen to create the seed within will be recycled back into the pool, their matériel made available for new configurations.  This is simply Nature working  Her economy, nothing is wasted. A thousand fruits and a million seeds fall upon the earth every yearly cycle. Only a few take root. 

[interestingly, I have read there is evidence that even the millions of human sperm who have made it past the first hymenic veil of Isis and now swim for the Egg of the Inner Sanctum, actually act in group cooperation, for their combined desire field prepares the entrance to the Beloved, and the one Hero admitted to the Marriage Chamber acts on behalf of all]

Humans in their vanity (or ignorance) want to believe that their little persona and self is special, that we all get a magic “soul” and thus we get to carry on and survive death. This doesn’t accord with how we see Nature operate. Oh dear, how un-PC to say that many who pride themselves on being normal, nice, and fitting in, and thus rewarded in some way for taking pains to NOT stand out from the crowd, will simply fade back into the general storehouse of Akashic memory, into a sort of Oversoul of morphic resonance. Well, ....tough!

There is another Quest-ion: do Hylics simply lack something? Is the seed of Self not there and thus they are recycled?  Are they part of the Armies of the Night who leave no imprint?

It is said that before one can have gnosis, one has to hear the message, the “Good News” that there is such a possibility to be had, and so start off operating on Belief. Belief will become actuated into Gnosis if one keeps focused on it. Still, how do we know that those who can sustain belief do so only because the seed is in them, and thus it is their dharma?

This seems unfair, but that’s probably a side-effect in the consciousness of those living in separation, and who would resent being recycled.  In those whom the soul is developing, we see that the Whole is running the show anyway, and we always have been part of the Whole, so what’s the rub? Who cares if this present configuration I call “me” fades away? Seems to bother some, but not me. I’m kinda tired of the story and history of “me.”

As the intermediate self or soul vehicle develops, then self-consciousness begins to shift into another body or informational matrix. As this happens, we begin to see that our earthly personality was a part in a Play, a construct, and even a ripple wave pattern upon the Great Water, destined to re-merge.  What we have been calling “me” is a hologram, an image or Eidolon projected from the Mind of Self.

We are not afraid to die; in fact, our curiosity is whetted for more adventure. And thus:

“And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself—
Yea, all which it inherit—shall dissolve,
And like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.”
                                                            The Tempest by Bacon and friends